The Turnkey Kit for Auction Administration

Auction Bid Form

Silent Auction Bid Sheet

The bid sheet is where silent auction bidders indicate their bid by writing their bid number (if you’re not using mobile bidding). Choose the option that best suits you:

Silent auction flyer template

Silent Auction Flyers

For experiences and other silent auction items that can’t be physically placed on the table, the silent auction flyer showcases the item details, restrictions and starting bid. Choose the option that best suits you:

Auction Rules Sheet

Auction Rules Sheet

Access standard auction rules ready for print, or copy/paste them into your auction catalog.

Live Auction Bid Card

Bid Cards

Bid cards are what participants in your live auction hold up to signal their bid. Choose your preferred size, then print them on card stock.

Absentee Bid Form Auction

Absentee Bid Form

Collect bids from donors who can’t attend your event to drive up bids.