Refer a Generous Business Owner to TravelPledge for a $250 Donation

TravelPledge Referral Program

TravelPledge connects nonprofits with fun auction items from generous businesses. We are always looking for new partners to round out our selection of experiences.

If you know the owner or manager of a business that’s a good fit for our program, refer them to us. If they ultimately post certificates for nonprofit fundraisers, we’ll donate $250 to your cause!

We’ll donate $250 for each business you refer that posts certificates (maximum 20 businesses). We’ll donate through the nonprofit’s online donation portal and forward you the receipt.

Good Fits for TravelPledge

  • We seek the following partners: inns, hotels, resorts, cabin rentals, glamping providers, golf courses, instructors, charter cruise companies, cruise lines, tour providers, and other experience providers.
  • The business should “own the experience” rather than being, say, a travel agency that takes a commission selling another business’s experience.

If you have questions about whether a business would be a good fit, please email

How to Refer a Business to TravelPledge

If your contact at the business is interested, email your contact and CC to make the connection.

Example Email:

Subject: Promoting your business at charity events

Hi <contact>,

I’m introducing you to Clare at TravelPledge. <nonprofit> uses TravelPledge to find auction items.

I thought <business name> would benefit by automating their charitable voucher program through TravelPledge. You’ll help great causes, advertise to gala attendees and may even earn revenue to cover fulfillment costs.

Perhaps you and Clare could connect to discuss their program further?


<your name>


Please email